Tuesday 14 January 2014

3 Best Ways of Making Hot Chocolate!

Brrrr...It’s cold! With dark, grey clouds blotting out the morning sun here in Pakistan and the polar vortex running amok over the US, we wanted to give everyone a break from the cold and share some rather delicious recipes with you all. Nothing says ‘comfort’ quite like a mug of delicious hot chocolate and a good book while you nestle on that comfortable sofa next to the fireplace.

Below are three different ways of making this heavenly delight! 


Method 1
Chocolate Bars
Method 2
Cocoa Powder
Method 3
Chocolate Syrup
170 g of solid chocolate chunks
2-3 spoons of unsweetened powdered cocoa
4 tablespoons of Chocolate Syrup
1 tablespoon of sugar
2-3 tablespoons of sugar
Canned whipped cream
1 cup milk
1 cup milk
1 cup milk
Cream (optional)
Optional flavorings: vanilla, whipped cream, wafers, sprinkles ,chocolate shavings,mint
Optional flavorings: vanilla, whipped cream, wafers, sprinkles, chocolate shavings, mint
Optional flavorings: vanilla, whipped cream, wafers, sprinkles ,chocolate shavings,mint


Method 1: Chocolate bars

1.       Obtain a good quality chocolate bar from the market and break it into smaller chunks
2.       Place a small pot of water on high heat and put a metal bowl on top. Add the chocolate and stir until fully melted.
3.       Add cream at 1:1 to the chocolate and stir, effectively making a ganache.
4.       Add any additional flavorings to the ganache while stirring in the cream.
5.       Using the boil method should make it more difficult to burn your chocolatey goodness, but be careful with the bowl as it will get hot!
2.       Add milk, whisking continuously.Garnish with whatever you wish, such as mint leaves, cinnamon sticks, or whipped cream, it's going to be delicious!

Method 2: Cocoa powder

1.       Take cocoa powder ,sugar and a little water in a pan and whisk until perfectly combined over medium heat. Be sure to use hot water only.
2.       Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Stop stirring, reduce the heat to medium low, and let the mixture boil for 2 minutes.
3.       Add flavorings at this point.
4.       Slowly add in the milk, stirring to blend. Heat the cocoa until it's very hot, but do not allow it to boil.
5.       Serve it up!

Method 3: Chocolate syrup

This method is our ultimate favorite!

1.       Put four tablespoons (or to taste) of Hershey chocolate syrup in a cup.
2.       Squirt in whipped cream to about halfway up the cup. If there is no whipped cream available, powdered sugar and vanilla extract works just as well.
3.       Mix the whipped cream and chocolate together with a spoon.
4.       Add hot milk of your choice to the above mixture and stir thoroughly with a spoon.
5.       Add whipped cream on top applying in a circular motion ending up with a very pretty mini mountain.
6.       Using a spoon dipped in the chocolate syrup drizzle over the whipped cream.
7.       Finished. Sip slowly while you enjoy your favorite TV show.

So there you have it; three ways of making the perfect winter beverage. We hope this post had been informative for all the chocoholics reading this. Do try out the recipes and let us know how your chocolate treat turned out, we’d love to hear from you!

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